Directed and managed by me, this photoshoot with photographer Kertin Vasser captures the essence of SOMA against the backdrop of Estonia's nature. Tailored for social media channels, the focus was on showcasing contemporary jewellery and evoking a sense of wholeness.
My roles in creative direction and photoshoot management ensured a seamless blend of artistic expression and brand's visual identity. The keywords - nature, Estonian jewellery, and wholeness - define the essence of the project. 
Photographer – Kertin Vasser
Cinematographer – Ben Raybone
Editor/Colorist – Andres Hallik
Model – Äli Enrietta (E.M.A Model Management)
Art Director – Sofia Hallik
Jewellery – SOMA
Style – Svetlana Agureeva
MUAH – Viktoria Krassavina